Thursday, July 23, 2009

Jan-Feb updates

January was busy! We were unpacking those first few weeks. Since we were displaced through Christmas we decided to have our family Christmas with bigJ in January complete with tree and gifts! We decorated the tree and acted like it was Christmas morning one Sunday morning. It was a lot of fun. bigJ didn't seem to know any different.

February was just as busy as January, but with a few rather large differences. I was travelling back and forth to Roanoke for Dr. appointments. I didn't want to start with a new OB and new hospital in Richmond so I knew I had to do some travelling and go back to Roanoke to stay around 36 weeks just in case.

The hubby and I took a babymoon to Williamsburg for a long weekend. It would be the last time we would be alone together for quite a while and we knew it. We had a pretty nice time. We did some outlet shopping, eating, siteseeing, eating, relaxing and did I mention eating. I think that the innkeepers where we stayed were afraid I was going to go into labor but alas no baby yet.

When we got home from the babymoon, there was no rest for the weary. I had to pack bigJ, the baby in the bellyand my stuff up to move back in with the IL's for the last 4 weeks of my pregnancy. After the first appointment, we had a bit of a scare that this baby would be here sooner rather than later. I started doing some serious last minute shopping with my mother in law- baby bedding, diapers, swing, boppy, etc. But things calmed back down and we settled into a kind of routine in Roanoke. We spent a little time in Martinsville as well but we accidentally got snowed in there! It was bigJ's first real snow but we were not prepared. We hhad no snow clothes or gloves or boots, but we made do.

It would have been absolutely perfect if the snow hadn't completely stopped us from getting to Roanoke and me being about 37 weeks pregnant. The snow did eventually melt and we made it back just in time to finalize details for bigJ's birthday!

More on the birthday tomorrow.

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